10 Questions to Consider

 Trust is the greatest currency for classroom success. Strong teacher-to-student relationships correlate to a .72 effect size (Hattie, 2009). A normal year’s growth equates to .4.  Since, classrooms today consist of children from diverse backgrounds and experiences; building strong relationships requires teachers to teach them by modeling trustworthiness.  Consider this.

  1. How are you identifying children with a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset? Check out the diagram below.
  2. Are you creating a strong culture of collaboration?
  3. Are you teaching positive language for collaboration?
  4. Are you helping children to benchmark their progress against their own growth?
  5.  Do you clearly define the success criteria for each lesson so students can self-evaluate?
  6. How are you helping children to set challenging learning goals and create an action plan to do this.
  7. What kind of immediate feedback are you providing?  Feedback has a huge 1.13 effect size.  Catch their successes by offering explicit praise when the are successful!
  8. Most importantly, how do you help children celebrate their success?
  9. Are you explicitly reinforcing how errors help learning?
  10. How do you talk to parents about their aspirations for their children?

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