Dr. Kathleen’s Blog
Teaching Children on How to Have a Voice
John Dewey once said, "If we teach children as we taught yesterday's, we rob them of tomorrow." This quote captures the relevance of the Common Core State Standards. Let me show you my thinking about why we need to change our delivery model. Two years ago, my now...
Are You Struggling with the Community in Your Professional Learning Communities?
As school administrators, change is always complex for a myriad of reasons. Professional Learning Communities, commonly called a "PLC", consists of a group of teachers that collaborate each week to learn about how students are learning. Have you heard comments like...
How High is the Trust Quotient in Your Classroom?
10 Questions to Consider  Trust is the greatest currency for classroom success. Strong teacher-to-student relationships correlate to a .72 effect size (Hattie, 2009). A normal year’s growth equates to .4.  Since, classrooms today consist of children from diverse...
Curriculum floats on the sea of culture. Rick DuFour, author and Stevenson High School Principal in the 1980’s, described the importance of Professional Learning Communities. Adlai Stevenson High School, located in Lincolnshire, Illinois, hires teachers...
Choose a Booster Rocket to Launch for Your New School Year-3 Hacks to Unleash The Passion
Are you feeling that something is missing in your leadership toolbag? Â As schools across the country open their doors during the next few weeks, Â it's time to launch with a high-energy grand opening! Â Think like Google and create powerful learning teams! This is...
How Can Schools Tap Into the Inherent Genius Within Every Student So They Change Our World?
Everyone has inherent genius! Teachers identify genius that presents itself in various forms such as intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, physical intelligence, spiritual intelligence, or social intelligence when children enter school. Â On the first...
Are you struggling with your community's engagement? Do you want to create a school where all students are excited about learning and feel agency in their learning? Now is the time to redesign and re-engineer your schools identity to provide equity, belonging, self-actualization, and deeper levels of learning for teachers and their students' future. Building your teacher's potential is a model to shift to finding the unlimited potential in every single student!
-Dr. Kathleen Miller
Are you struggling with your community's engagement? Do you want to create a school where all students are excited about learning and feel agency in their learning? Now is the time to redesign and re-engineer your schools identity to provide equity, belonging, self-actualization, and deeper levels of learning for teachers and their students' future. Building your teacher's potential is a model to shift to finding the unlimited potential in every single student!
-Dr. Kathleen Miller

[Free eBook] 5 Keys to Re-engineering your School Successfully!
Learn how to Re-engineer your school where you will learn the importance of five essential keys to designing a vibrant culture where everyone succeeds.