Teaching Children on How to Have a Voice

Teaching Children on How to Have a Voice

John Dewey once said, “If we teach children as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.” This quote captures the relevance of the Common Core State Standards. Let me show you my thinking about why we need to change our delivery model. Two...

How High is the Trust Quotient in Your Classroom?

10 Questions to Consider  Trust is the greatest currency for classroom success. Strong teacher-to-student relationships correlate to a .72 effect size (Hattie, 2009). A normal year’s growth equates to .4.  Since, classrooms today consist of children from diverse...


Curriculum floats on the sea of culture.  Rick DuFour, author and Stevenson High School Principal in the 1980’s, described the importance of Professional Learning Communities.  Adlai Stevenson High School, located in Lincolnshire, Illinois, hires teachers...